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  • Den humanitära krisen i Afghanistan fördjupas

    I takt med att den humanitära krisen i Afghanistan fördjupas är ActionAids arbete med att skydda de mest utsatta människorna mer angeläget än någonsin.

    Sudipta Kumar, landschef för ActionAid Afghanistan säger:

    “The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is deepening as families rush to urban centres. Thousands of desperate people and orphaned children are arriving in cities like Kabul, Mazar and Herat.

    ”They are in urgent need of humanitarian support. Priorities include food, essential items such as blankets and hygiene kits, and psychosocial support counselling services.

    “We’re doing everything possible to continue working with the communities we support. However, the situation is changing rapidly. For now, ActionAid’s programmes are continuing and our work to protect the most vulnerable people in Afghanistan is more urgent than ever.”